Saturday, April 16, 2011

#159 - kev's secret Easter egg stash

The secret stash

This is kev's ( now not so ) secret easter egg stash
At this stage I'm told that this is not the final amount and that plenty more are to come. So you no how the saying goes "sharing is caring" hint hint Kevin :).

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Location:A secret location

#158 - Becca and stefan play the game of life

The classic game of life ( old school )

This is now round three

Round 1 - Becca kicks Stefans ass at monopoly
Round 2 - Stefan becomes the king of UNO
Round 3 - Becca kicks Stefans ass again at the game of life
Round 4 - .................still to come

After last nights game of UNO where stefan was crowned the official king of UNO we both decided to have a final fight to the death ( also known as round 3 ) . The game for this final epic battle is "the game of life" .

It started with stefan being the blue car and Becca being the white car and from there on it was......

Stefan was off to a good start but as the game progressed Things began to go Becca's way again :(

Becca ended up rich with $750,000 and at millionaire acres while stefan went for broke with his 250,000 and bet it all on a spin of the number ( in which he failed ) . Unfortunately stefan ended up at the poor farm and
by the end of the game Becca had again destroyed stefan yet again ( sadly - tear drop)

So Stefan will just have to wait for another day to destroy Becca (never going to happen )

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Location:Becca's pad

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