Thursday, May 26, 2011

#191 - meet stefan's own version of the double down

The dessert double down

This is Stefan's own version ( the dessert double down ) of the crap KFC version.

This is a succulent tasty frozen filled treat containing cookies and cream ice-cream surrounded by 2 waffles

Now only if I could start selling these.......

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#190 - meet the ultimate Ho-Cho

The ultimate Ho-Cho

This here is a fine specimen of a beautifully designed well crafted Ho-Cho ( hot chocolate ).

This Ho-Cho was specially designed for a certain special someone ...... Hint hint Becca :)

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Friday, May 20, 2011

#189 - meet the best hot chips

The best chips ever

Tonight we had pizza and the best ever hot chips

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#188 - Stefan and Becca's new rides

Becca's new friend

Stefans new ride

Stefan and his new ride

While in the Warehouse stefan and Becca found their new rides

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

#187 - Meet the peanut butter ice cream

A new interesting flavor

Had a bad day ?? This is what you need - Peanut butter ice cream.

Enjoyed even more with a friend...........

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Monday, May 16, 2011

#186 - Lisa gets her new cellphone

This is lisa's brand new cool shiny phone

Today we decided to hit the shops and find Lisa a new phone

After a few shops we managed to find a good one Now Stefan wants one lol :(

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

#185 - Meet the double down

Behold the double down in the beautiful packaging

Behold the ( slightly blurry ) double down

Meet the double down , kfc's new So called new tasty treat. Let me tell you about it.........

This double down tasted like crap , the cheese was net even melted and I wont even waste any more words on it

It is just an overrated burger without the buns , a rip off for $7.90

4.5 stars out of 10 and that's being generous

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#184 - Stefan and Becca's trip to lake Rotoiti

The start of the walking track to whisky falls

Today I kidnapped Becca and took her to lake Rotoiti for a little day trip . The weather was shall we say not the best, but we still managed to have an awesome time

Stefan and Becca found a new friend

We finally reached our destination

Stefan stops for some meditation

The famous lock-ness monster

Stefan worried about crossing the bridge

Meet Borris the rock

Stefan finally decided to take a dip in the lake

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Saturday, May 14, 2011

#183 - Round 7 - twister

The ultimate game

Round 1 - Becca kicks Stefans ass at monopoly
Round 2 - Stefan becomes the king of UNO
Round 3 - Becca kicks Stefans ass again at the game of life
Round 4 - another round of UNO vs the UNO king ( stefan )
Round 5 - Jenga the ultimate game
Round 6 - the most confusing Game - Tri-ominos
Round 7 - twister

In this round me , Becca , Red and the mini bro decided to have a group game of twister

After many rounds , a few twist and turns and a few falls ,Stefan came out victorious

Stefan wins this round - bring on round 8.........

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#182- Even candles have problems

We all know what I'm talking about................

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

#181 - Stefan try's on stefan juniors (zane's) glasses

Stefan with his new shades

Stefan with Stefan jr (Zane)

Today I thought I'd have ago with Stefan jr's glasses

They didn't actually look to bad on me

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#180 - The final egg - The new fresh choice attraction

The new Fresh Choice attraction

Meet the final easter egg which is the latest Fresh Choice attraction situated on the front of the Express lane Coffee cart

This limited time limited edition offer can all be yours available for only 1 easy payment of $9.99 ( postage is free if picked up )

Be in quick only one available.....

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#179 - Meet the Fankinstein Marsh mallows

The Frankinstein marsh mellows

Yesterday night Becca told me she wanted 1/2 white 1/2 pink marsh mellows in her hot chocolate .

So what did Stefan do , he made them and he made them bloody well - meet his creation the Frankinstein marsh mellows

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Friday, May 6, 2011

#178 - Stefan and the colorful head hog

Stefan ....... And the hedge hog

Meet the latest Fashion craze - known as the hedge hog hat

This latest piece to hit the shores of New Zealand is currently very limited edition and highly sought after, just wait till these hit the shops

- You saw it first here
- The Trend has begun

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#177 - Stefan never plays with his food

The m&m's

Tonight Becca said she wanted her m&m's sorted into different colours

well stefan went one step futher and organized them into crunchy/crispy , peanuts and chocolate flavor as well as colour

See Stefan never plays with his food

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Monday, May 2, 2011

#176 - stefan helps lisa almost complete a giant jigsaw puzzle

The mega 1000 piece puzzle

Today Stefan decided to join in and help Lisa with her giant jigsaw puzzle . Let me tell u I might have only put in a few pieces but man are these things bloody confusing.

We pretty much completed the whole thing apart from one little part - the dam missing bit ( photo below )

The thing that always happens with bloody jigsaw puzzles - 1 missing bit

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

#175 - round 6 - the confusing game of tri-ominos

The most confusing game ever

Round 1 - Becca kicks Stefans ass at monopoly
Round 2 - Stefan becomes the king of UNO
Round 3 - Becca kicks Stefans ass again at the game of life
Round 4 - another round of UNO vs the UNO king ( stefan )
Round 5 - Jenga the ultimate game
Round 6 - the most confusing Game - Tri-ominos

In this round we play a really really confusing games known as tri-ominos. It basically a triangle version of dominoes , so luckily stefan got a little bit of help from Pam - thanks Pam

Unfortunately the final score was

309 - stefan
439 - becca

Becca wins again - bring on round 7.........

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